School of Materials Science and Engineering

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PhD in Material's Science and Engineering

blob.pngPhD candidates at the School of Materials Science and Engineering work in various fields including magnetic materials, high temperature alloys, high temperature corrosion and surfaceengineering, nano-structured materials and micro-electronic materials, etc. We have received nearly 80 international PhD candidates since 2000, and our candidates work under the guidance of some of the most prominent Chinese experts in various materials fields.

As one of the highest-rated materials school in China, SMSE PhD candidates have access to state-of-the-art facilities and research funding to further develop the materials discipline.


* All SMSE departments offer English-based PhD programs in their respective area of focus. However, if a candidate completes an English-based PhD program, the candidate can only receive a PhD certificate for the field of "Materials Science and Engineering," regardless of the department from which they graduated.

* Upon review of a candidate's academic record, accepted candidates may be required to complete remedial courses during their PhD program. Though these courses will be officially taught in Chinese, the candidate will have the option of completing the course by carrying out relevant research projects in English.

Requirements for admission:

* Research Proposal. Candidates must contact SMSE faculty to find an advisor to pre-approve Research Proposal. Please note that candidates can conduct research in English and that a full list of faculty's research interests can be found in the faculty page.  

* Personal Statement (English - approximately 1,500 words). 

* Two Recommendation Letters from prior professors. 

* Minimum IELTS 6.0 score; OR minimum IBT TOEFL 80 score.

* Minimum HSK level 5 Chinese profiency (applicable only if applying for a Chinese-based PhD program).

* Table of contents and abstracts of any academic publications. 

* For other administrative requirements please visit the International Office's Graduate Application Process page.