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Professor Liu Huinan of University of California, Riverside - Guest Stories from the Young Scientists Forum
On December 29th 2017, the 36th session of the Young Scientists Forum for Materials was successfully held in conference room of SMSE’s Main Building. During the forum, Professor Liu Huinan from University of California, Riverside gave a report titled "Recent Progress on Biodegradable Materials and Nanostructures for Medical Applications." The Dean of the Materials Institute, Professor Wang Luning, presided over the forum and gave Professor Liu a Young Scientist Forum commemorative plaque.
Professor Liu began her report by introducing her research progress in the field of biomaterials, explaining to students how biomaterials affect cell behavior, mechanical properties, and surface properties. Afterwards she introduced nanocomposites and explained the effects of size on cells and biomaterials. Used for bone regeneration, osteoblasts are attached to the nano-composite surface and affect the main parameters of nano-coatings on the magnesium-based alloy surface, so she compared the corrosion behavior of different magnesium alloys in different solutions. During her report, she briefly introduced the research status of the ureteral stent and discussed prospects for future research on degradable ureteral stents.
Professor Liu's report received an overwhelmingly positive reaction from the audience, and in the Q&A that followed, both students and other professors were able to get in-depth answers to their questions.
Liu Hainan academic profile:
Professor Liu Huinan is currently a tenured professor of Biological Engineering at the University of California, Riverside, where she additionally acts as an academic supervisor in various fields, including biomedical engineering, materials science and engineering in the Engineering Department, microbiology, molecular biology in the Faculty of Science, and the Medical School. She received her Bachelor's, Master's and PhD degrees from the University of Science and Technology Beijing, Purdue University, and Brown University, respectively.
Her main research directions include the effects of biodegradable biomaterials and nanostructures on cells and their applications in medicine. She has published more than 60 papers, 4 books, 12 specially-invited chapters, and 4 patent applications. Additionally, Professor Liu has received research grants from the US government NSF, NIH, and the American Heart Association AHA, and is the recipient of various awards including the AHA Youth Fund, Elsevier MSE-C Youth Research Award, Hellman Young Professor Award, University of California Young Professor Award, American Ceramic Society ACerS GEMS Award, Sigma Xi Outstanding Graduate Student Award, and the Joukowsky Excellent Paper Award, among others. She has served as Chairwoman of the Composite Materials Branch and Nano Biomaterials Branch of the American Materials Society MRS Annual Meeting, Chairwoman of the Nanomaterials Branch of the American Chemical Society's AIChE Annual Meeting, and Chairwoman of the New Frontier Branch of the World Biomaterials Congress. She also served as Chairwoman of the Education Committee of the American Society of Biomaterials SFB and is currently the Chair of the SFB Nano Biomaterials branch.