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LIU Quanlin
Professor at Department of Materials Physics and Chemistry
Jinwu Building, Room 410
Available to act as adviser for international graduate student: Yes
Professor Quanlin Liu (Q.L. Liu) received his Ph.D. degree in Condensed Matter PhysicsfromInstitute of Physics, Chinese Academy of Science (IOP CAS)in 1998. Since then he had been working as an assistant and associate professor in IOP CAS during 1998-2005, including workingas Research Fellow in National Institute for Materials Science, Japan (2001-2003). After that, he has worked as a full professor in University of Science and Technology Beijing (USTB) (2005-now). Hiscurrent research focuses on optical/luminescence materials; insight into their composition-structure-property;including chemical design, physical analysis and materials applications; to develop or renovate the material.He has more than 150 papers in international journals, and more than 1500 citations.
Research Interests
- Luminescence materials for white LEDs illumination and display,
- Long lasting phosphorescence
Published Research (English only)
1.T. Wang, Q.C. Xiang, Z.G. Xia, J. Chen, Q.L. Liu*, Evolution of Structure and Photoluminescence by Cation Cosubstitution in Eu2+-Doped (Ca1−xLix) (Al1−xSi1+x)N3 Solid Solutions, Inorg Chem, 55(6), 2929-2933 (2016)
2.Z. Song, , R. Zu, X.L. Liu, L.Z. He, Q.L. Liu*, Role of flux on synthesis of poly single crystals of Ce3+ doped yttrium aluminum garnet, Cryst. Res. Technol., 51(3),239-242 (2016)
3.Z. Song, X.L. Liu, L.Z. He, Q.L. Liu*, Correlation between the energy level structure of cerium-doped yttrium aluminum garnet and luminescent behavior at varying temperatures, Materials Research Express, 3(5),055501 (2016)
4.Z.G. Xia*, G.K. Liu, J.G. Wen, Z.G. Mei, M. Balasubramanian, M.S. Molokeev, L.C. Peng, L. Gu, D.J. Miller, Q.L. Liu, K.R. Poeppelmeier, Tuning of photoluminescence by cation nanosegregation in the (CaMg)x(NaSc)1-xSi2O6 solid solution, J. Am. Chem. Soc. 138 (4), 1158-1161 (2016)
5.Z.G. Xia*, C.G. Ma, M.S. Molokeev, Q.L. Liu, K. Rickert, K.R. Poeppelmeier, Chemical Unit Cosubstitution and Tuning of Photoluminescence in the Ca2(Al1–xMgx)(Al1–xSi1+x)O7:Eu2+ Phosphor, J. Am. Chem. Soc. 137 (39), 12494-12497 (Oct 2015)
6.T. Wang, Z.G. Xia, Q.C. Xiang, S.Q. Qin, Q.L. Liu*, Relationship of 5d-level energies of Ce3+ with the structure and composition of nitride hosts, J. Lumin. 166, 106-110 (OCT 2015)
7.J. Zhou, Z.G. Xia*, M.Y. Chen, M.S. Molokeev, Q.L. Liu, New Insight into Phase Formation of MxMg2Al4+xSi5-xO18:Eu2+ Solid Solution Phosphors and Its Luminescence Properties, Sci. Rep. 5, 12149 (Jul 2015)
8.C.Y. Liu, Z. Xia*, M.S. Molokeev, Q.L. Liu, Synthesis, Crystal Structure, and Enhanced Luminescence of Garnet-Type Ca3Ga2Ge3O12:Cr3+ by Codoping Bi3+, J. Am. Cera. Soc. 98(6), 1870-1876 (Jun 2015)
9.Z.G. Xia*, M.S. Molokeev, W.B. Im, S. Unithrattil, Q.L. Liu, Crystal Structure and Photoluminescence Evolution of La5(Si2+xB1–x)(O13–xNx):Ce3+ Solid Solution Phosphors, J. Phys. Chem. 119 (17), 9488–9495 (Apr 2015)
10.L. Bian, T. Wang, S.J. Liu, S.S. Yang, Q.L. Liu*, The crystal structure and luminescence of phosphor Ba9Sc2Si6O24:Eu2+,Mn2+ for white light emitting diode, Mater. Res. Bull. 64, 279-282 (Apr 2015)
11.M. Y. Chen, Z.G. Xia* and Q.L. Liu, Luminescence properties and energy transfer of Ce3+/Tb3+ co-doped Ca6Ba(PO4)4O phosphor for near-UV pumped light-emitting diodes, J. Mater. Chem. C 3, 4197-4204 (Mar 2015)
12.X.B. Chen*, S.Li, Salamo, G.J. Salamo, Y.L. Li, L.Z. He, G.J. Yang, Y. Gao, Q.L. Liu, Sensitized intense near-infrared downconversion quantum cutting three-photon luminescence phenomena of the Tm3+ ion activator in Tm3+ Bi3+:YNbO4 powder phosphor,Opt. Express 3(23), 51-61 ( Feb 2015)
13.X. Chen, Z.G. Xia*, Q.L. Liu, Synthesis, structure and luminescence properties of new chloro-germanate phosphors Ca3GeO4Cl2:Eu2+, Dalton Trans. 35(43), 13370-13376 (Sep 2014)
14.T. Wang, P. Zheng, X.L. Liu, H.F. Chen, S.S.Yang, Q.L. Liu*, Decay behavior analysis of two-peak emission inCa(Al/Si)2N2(N1-xOx):Eu2+ phosphors, J. Electrochemical Society 161, H25-28 (2014 Jan)
15.Z. Song, X.L. Ding, S.S. Yang, F.F. Du, L. Bian, S.H. Duan, Q. L. Liu*, Thermochromic material Sr2SiO4:Eu2+ based on displacive transformation, J. Lumin. 152,199-202(2014)
16.T. Wang, P. Zheng, X.L. Liu, H.F. Chen, L. Bian, Q.L. Liu*, Effects of replacement of AlO+ for SiN+ on the structure and optical properties of Sr2Si5N8:Eu2+phosphors, J. Lumin.147, 173-178(2014)
17.X.B. Chen*, G.J. Salamo, G.J. Yang, Y.L. Li, X.L. Ding, Y. Cao, Q.L. Liu, J.H. Guo, Multiphoton near-infrared quantum cutting luminescence phenomena of Tm3+ ion in (Y1-xTmx)(3)Al5O12 powder phosphor, Optics Express 21, A829-A840 (Sep. 2013)
18.Z. Song, J. Liao, X.L. Ding, X.L. Liu, Q.L. Liu*, Synthesis of YAG phosphor particles with excellent morphology by solid state reaction, J. Crystal Growth 365, 24-28 (2013)
19.T. Wang, J.J. Yang, Y.D. Mo, L. Bian, Z. Song, Q.L. Liu*, Synthesis, structure, and tunable red emissions of Ca(Al/Si)2N2(N1-xOx):Eu2+ prepared by alloy-nitridation method, J. Lumin. 137, 173-179 (2013)
20.L. Bian, F.F. Du, S.S. Yang, Q.Y. Ren, Q.L. Liu*, Crystal structure and near-ultraviolet photoluminescence properties of Ba9Sc2Si6O24:Ce3+,Na+, J. Lumin. 137, 168-172 (2013)
21.J. J. Yang, Z. Song, L. Bian,Q. L. Liu*, An investigation of crystal chemistry and luminescence properties of Eu-doped pure-nitride a-sialon fabricated by the alloy-nitridation method, J. Lumin. 132, 2390-2397 (Sep.2012)
22.H. Zhang, J. Luo, H. T. Zhu, J. K. Liang, L. M. Ruan, Q. L. Liu , J. B. Li, G. Y. Liu, Phase separation and thermoelectric properties of Ag2Te-doped PbTe0.9S0.1, Acta Mater. 60, 7241-7248 (2012 DEC)
23.J. J. Yang, T. Wang, D. C. Chen, G. C. Chen, Q. L. Liu*, An investigation of Eu2+-doped CaAlSiN3 fabricated by an alloy-nitridation method, Mater. Sci. Engin. B 177, 1596-1604(2012 Nov)
24.L. Bian, T. L. Zhou, J. J. Yang, Z. Song and Q. L. Liu*, Crystal structure and photoluminescence of (Ba1-x-ySryEux)9Sc2Si6O24, J. Lumin. 132, 2541-2545(Oct. 2012)
25.Z. Song, J. Liao, X.L. Ding, T.L. Zhou,Q.L. Liu*, Stability of divalent/trivalent oxidation state of europium in some Sr-based inorganic compounds, J. Lumin. 132, 1768-1773 (Jul. 2012)
26.F.C. Lu, X.Y. Chen, M.W. Wang, Q.L. Liu*, Crystal structure and photoluminescence of (Y1-xCex)2Si3O3N4, J. Lumin. 131, 336-341 (2011)
27.F.C. Lu, X.P. Song, Q.L. Liu*,Crystal structure and photoluminescence of (La1-xCex)5Si3O12N,J. Alloys and Compounds 509, 2099-2104 (2011)
28.T.L. Zhou, H.R. Wang, F.S. Liu, H. Zhang, Q.L. Liu*, The synthesis and luminescence properties of a red phosphor material (Ca1-xEux)3Al2O6, J. Electrochemical Society 158, H671-674 (2011)